For other Largo clears and additional resources, see the Largo page.
This team is composed of Ophilia, Alfyn, Lynette, Cyrus, Sofia, Aslyte, Therion, and Eliza. This is a 2-break clear that skips over waves 2 & 4 of Largo’s adds. The strategy is divided into four sections:
Parts 1 and 2 can be completed by mostly following the Turn-by-Turn steps listed in this guide.
In part 3 (aka “the stalling turns”), Largo acts on a 5-turn cycle, allowing you to plan your actions around his moves. Every five turns during this section, he’ll unleash a magic nuke that is guaranteed to take down one of your party members. Because you can anticipate this, you can use Ophilia’s Preservation and Alfyn’s Vivify to respond accordingly.
For part 4, you can also mostly follow the turn by turn guide as long as you make sure to come out of part 3 with enough BP and ultimate gauge fill to use the suggested moves. This section focuses on stacking buffs on your party members and debuffs on Largo in order to maximize your damage output during the break.